Frequently Asked Questions

About The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) from Providers

Q: How can I check the status of my payment?

A: Providers can call the IDHS child care automated phone system (800) 804-3833 or call Project CHILD (800) 362-7257.

Q: How long does it take to get a payment?

A: Generally, two to four weeks from the submission of a completed child care certificate. For questions about the length of time to get an initial payment, call Project CHILD at (800) 362-7257

Q: Can I have the state automatically take taxes out of my monthly checks?

A: No.

Q: Why was there money taken out of my check?

A: Each parent is assigned a ‘copayment’ they are responsible for paying directly to the provider. This amount is automatically deducted from the providers check before the check is issued.

Q: Can I charge the parent more than the state will pay?

A: A provider can charge the parent the same amount as they charge their private pay clients; however, the state will only pay the maximum amount set by the state. If a provider charges more than the maximum amount the provider will need to contract with the parent to make up the difference.

Q: What are the maximum payment rates paid by the Illinois Department of Human Services?

A: Payment rate information can be found on the Illinois Department of Human Services website. Please note: the providers who reside in our region are in “Group 2” counties. Payment rates for non-licensed care are the same for all counties.

Q: Can I have my check direct deposited into my account?

A: Yes! Most people can. Contact Direct Deposit at 217-557-0930 for more information. It usually takes a couple of payment cycles for this to begin.